
taller Ayto. Morella

IV VALSIPAM Transnational Workshop in the Territori Sénia (10/2022)

On October 17, 18 and 19, 2022, the IV Transnational Worshop was held at the SIPAM of the Territori Sénia (Valencian Community, Catalonia and Aragon) for the validation of the sustainable tourism management and valorizaton strategy of the SIPAM, within the project VALSIPAM financed by the Interreg-Sudoe program.

On the first day, in the Morella town hall, after holding the XVI Steering Committee (chaired by the Coordinator, Esperanza Perea), the IV Transnational Workshop was inaugurated by the President of the Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia (Antonio Ollés), the Mayor of Morella (Rhamsés Ripollés) and the Provincial Secretary of Agriculture of Málaga (José Mª Bergillos), followed immediately by explanations from Gerónimo Sánchez (from Andanatura) about the validation of the strategy and Mª Teresa Adell (from the Mancomunidad) and introduction to the experiential workshops of the days 18 and 19 in different places of the Territori Sénia.

On the second day, traveling by bus, 5 experiential workshops were held throughout the area of ancient olive trees, starting at the Natural Museum of “Olivos milenarios de la Jana”, and in Aceites Peset (Traiguera) “the Magic of the millenary olive trees” where an oil tasting was carried out. From there to the “Historic Mill of Cervera del Maestre”, receiving information about its entire history. The workshop “Millennial Olive Trees with a Star” allowed visiting the Farga del Arión (the oldest olive tree dated by UPM at 1708 years) and eating at the l’Antic Molí restaurant (1 Michelin star), ending with the workshop “Godall Mill and its oil”, visiting an exemplary current mill.

visita Tere

On the third day, after traveling in private cars to the "Ebro Delta on pedals” was made, cycling through the viewpoints and observatories of the lagoons and admiring the fauna and flora of such an extraordinary place.