

Ulldecona's area


Ulldecona is in the very south of Catalonia, in the Montsià region and next to the Sénia river. In its extensive municipal area (126.8km²) there are 1,379 Millenary Olive Trees inventoried, making it the municipality with the largest number of Millenary Olive Trees in the world. The vast majority are located on the slopes of the Montsià and Godall mountain ranges. In the Arión (Sierra de Godall), following an agreement between the owners and the town council, the Arión Museum has been set up.

But it is in the mountain range of Montsià, where only in the area of Ulldecona there are more than 900 Millenary Olive Trees, from les Ventalles (on the border with Freginals) to the Sénia river. For this reason, thanks to the agreement between the owner, Juanjo Labernia, the town council, the cooperative and the Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia, an Area of Millenary Olive Trees of the Foia de Ulldecona has been signposted, which is also next to Route no. 1 (from Freginals to Ulldecona) of the Routes of Millenary Olive Trees.

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Telephone: 619770869


Passeig de l’Estació, 6, 43550 Ulldecona

Tourist Office Ulldecona:

Área de Ulldecona

Open location